
Live More Mindfully: 9 Tips to Try at Home

I was recently invited to contribute to an article featured on ApartmentGuide for 9 Tips to Live More Mindfully at Home.  I have always viewed home as a sanctuary for solitude, offering comfort and peace. It’s your personal have where you get to recharge away from the hustle and bustle of work and parties. However, sometimes too much quiet and comfort can also lead to anxiety and insomnia. That is why it is essential for your home to include some elements that would have great...


IRR – The I’m Really Rich Factor!

During my early years as an investor, I was content with the returns I received on my investments, irrespective of whether they were high or low. I relied on my accountant as my advisor, blindly investing wherever he recommended. As long as my money was growing, I didn't pay much attention. Perhaps, this was a common narrative during that time. However, times have changed now. There is greater awareness surrounding investments. As a financial investment advisor, myself, I am well-aware of...


Chat & Chuckles.

It’s inevitable! It’s challenging! It has existed for a long time. We have seen it in the works of science fiction. But the record pace at which artificial intelligence and robotics is now approaching, it’s not hard to predict that the robot uprising is coming! “I visualise a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans, and I’m rooting for the machines.” —Claude Shannon People are already raising concerns. Will AI replace humans? ...


The Art Of Regular & Wise Investing.

In this quirky blog, let's dive into the world of investing regularly and wisely. We'll debunk the myth that financial success can be achieved by making impulsive and random investments. Instead, we'll explore the power of consistent and thoughtful investing strategies. Imagine a journey where we compare the excitement of picking stocks based on the latest internet trends to the thrill of finding that mysterious leftover sandwich in the office fridge. Hint: neither are a sustainab...


Increase The Storing Value of Your Money!

In earlier times, the four-ashram value system played a significant role in influencing the entire lifespan of the human life. According to the hindu view of human life, the first stage is dedicated to education and celibacy; second, for marriage and children; and once they grow up and are independent, the third stage is renunciation from material life for spiritual advancement; and lastly, when one gets old and feeble, it is to seek moksha by choosing the path of self-realization or sanyaas. In...


Running From Or Running To. Talk It Out!

We get so caught up in our daily lives, that sometimes we don’t realize how far away we have come from those dreams and aspirations that felt so real and realizable once upon a time… all those dreams that we had abandoned for what felt like the right thing to do at that stage of our lives. Though it is especially true of women, it is the story of everyone’s life. To choose the path of ease, make peace with the situation, and continue forward… like it’s so hardwire...


Did Somebody Say Insurance?

At first they will ask why you're doing it. Later they'll ask how you did it. It was a wonderful evening, that one! He was sitting there with his colleagues-turned-friends, holding his favourite drink in hand, nibbling on tidbits, reveling in the glories… bonding, offering opinions, venting emotions, sharing exotic experiences of vacations spent abroad… basically hearing some of theirs and offering many of his own. As the evening advanced, some investment enthusiasts...


Cocktails From The Bars of The Leading Hotels of the World.

Hi spirit-lovers! It’s summer time, and there is nothing that can compare to a great refreshing cocktail. Vodka may not be the answer, but it’s worth a shot! So, dive into the wonderful world of Cocktails. 12 Curated Creations from some of the best bartenders of the leading hotels of the world. Apple Manhattan, Russian Mojito, Jaipur Martini, Jing’ An Cooler, Green Wave, Quellenhof Whisky Sour, Mangorita, Cocktail Cristallo, Lychee Martini, Pulitini, Frangipani and Captai...


Social Media’s Introduction To The World Of Free

Do you know who was the second man to walk on moon? Here’s his story. "No. But I know the first man to land on moon and some about the mission. Not enough?"... Have you heard of this man gave up fat pay for social work? See this video of his amazing charity work! "Ok.. this video is in circulation for some time now. So, has it inspired you to help the destitute? now – that’s something I’d like to know"... Do you know a shocking priv...


BayLeaf. For Sustainable Fashion

This is one of my childhood memories. Every summer holiday our old neighbour’s daughter paid him a customary visit with her family. Whenever she was in town, her lovely friend used to come over to spend a day with her. She was stylish, often draped in a stunning sari, wearing her hair in an elegant low nape bun, sporting minimalist trendy jewellery, walking like a runway model, her sharp click-clack of high heels announcing her arrival and departure. Her sing-song hellos and goodbyes broug...


Talking Of Languages, Which One Makes You Feel You?

Let’s start the year 2022 on the right foot and wait to see what the new year will bring. Hope it’s amazing! Life has a wonderful serendipity. Though last two years haven’t been the easiest for all, one can’t deny that it brought people closer to one another and we are now valuing both our relationships and green spaces more than ever. This is my first blogpost of the year, an opportunity to put forth my views on a topic of positive restoration that I have ...


Growing Tomatoes In Your Patio Planter Garden Or Backyard.

It’s hard to believe how our colorful lives are gradually becoming dull. Whatever we need is getting delivered to our homes. Schools have gone online… PT (physical training) included! Payments are made online. And, everything is so effortless. Honestly, there isn’t much more left to do. It might look I'm doing nothing, but in my head, I'm quite busy. Because of the social isolation, many of us spend time in our homes… mulling over a cup of morning brew to ...


Let's Celebrate Over Chai And Gupshup.

Hello Beautiful Ladies! Every year I share numerous wishes on 8 March to thank all women for their love, sacrifice, service and passion in everything they do. And I suppose many of us are yet to embrace equality as a concept and merely pay lip service on this day by extolling women through all those stereotypes that we are fighting to break every single day. Let’s celebrate the spirit of Womanhood. While I earnestly call for everybody’s involvement in achieving equality ...


Hair Botox -Hair Treatment For Softer Hair

Hi guys! I’m Rosy. I’m running a beauty salon right here in Koregaon Park. Rosy’s Salon has been around for nearly two decades offering services such as haircuts, hair coloring, hairstyling, manicures, pedicures, facials, waxing, eyebrow shaping and body wraps. Our Beauty Centre retails quality beauty products, equipment and skin products. Hair Botox Treatment festival at our salon on the 16th and 17th of March We are celebrating three years of Hair botox at our...